This photo was taken of my mom after she had just given birth to her 12th child at home! And you see that little bundle of joy in this 40 year old Polaroid picture…that’s me!
People made a lot of assumptions when it came to my mom, the “mother of 12 kids”… most of which were squashed to pieces the moment anyone met her.
While people judged this woman from afar, she was busy loving the people close to her heart. And it wasn’t just us kids! An entire community benefited from this woman’s existence… I was just lucky enough to call her my mom.

She was so much more than a mother of 12 kids… She was an accomplished Artist known throughout Chicago.
She was young at heart and always eager to learn life’s next lesson receiving her masters degree at 65 years old.
She loved dogs and filled our house with them knowing a dog’s loyal companionships can get you through anything life throws your way.
She welcomed every soul with open arms; the damaged and broken, the young and old, the successful and the struggling… literally every life mattered to her.
She celebrated each person’s strengths and talents, encouraging you to reach for the stars.
Gosh I miss her.
This incredible woman left us 11 years ago today but her legacy lives on within each life she impacted… and there are a lot.

So today (and everyday) I try to practice the art that my mom so gracefully mastered… to stop judging and get busy loving
Lucy Riles
Life of Mom Founder