It’s a pretty simple thought.
Each one of us makes choices in life based on our own personal experiences.
I know this to be especially true…
Holding my stillborn child in the palm of my hand, watching my medically fragile child flatline in front of me 3 times and cuddling in bed with my mom dying of cancer has deeply impacted and changed who I am forever.
I wouldn’t expect you to understand me and the choices I make, just as much as I wouldn’t assume to know life’s burdens you’ve had to carry.
The way we see the world doesn’t have to be the same, it also doesn’t have to make one right or one wrong.
So I have a challenge for you. Before making assumptions and lumping people into some preconceived stereotype, stop and think perhaps there’s a more meaningful reason they see a SIX where you see a NINE…
Approach people with this perspective and I promise you will gain a deeper sense of understanding and compassion. I’ve always felt that we share far more in common than that which divides us.
Soapbox dismount.
Lucy Riles
Life of Mom Founder