“Me too. You too? I had no clue.”
He did. She didn’t. A story far from new.
Yet still a story few speak about… what happens if we do?
Those feelings creep back in, haunting… do they do the same for you?
I have a love now. He is great. He is kind. But he also has no clue…
How words, actions, power took a part of you.
Do you share? No, no I don’t want to.
Shame… the victim, once again, blames herself for something she did not do.
If I tell him, will he still love me or will he judge me? I wish I had a clue.
It has opened pandora’s box, this campaign called #metoo
But oddly, I don’t mind. For my hope is a breakthrough…
What if my daughters can grow up without feeling shame, silenced or forced to subdue?
What if my son can grow up without feeling shame, silenced or forced to subdue?
What if, just what if, this is a turning point to something new?
“Me too. You too?” But please not our kids.
Rewriting history for the next ingenue.
by Lucy Riles, Life of Mom Co-Founder