During my sister’s recent trip out to visit, my oldest just instinctively knew “Favorite Aunt Jean” needed extra love and hugs💜
She spoke often about her big cousin Kimmy like my littles often do about their baby angel brother and Grandma Barbara. Their innocence and natural inclusivity of our guardian angels was a welcomed surprise to my sister, a grieving mother.
Almost 2 years ago, my beautiful niece Kimberly Rose was hit and killed tragically by a truck on her way to work, leaving behind 2 children.
When my mom passed away to cancer at 77 it was devastating…but our family took comfort and peace in our hearts knowing that she lived a full life.
But my sister’s daughter who was in her late 20s, with 5 and 1 year old girls…well our family felt much different.
This gorgeous young mom was robbed of a life full of love and memories with her family. Life can be so brutally unfair.
What is so tragically sobering is the fact that this could have been anyone of us… So we do all the things to keep our guardian angels in our hearts. We talk about them, we plant (purple) flowers, we cry and when words fail us…we give big, giant bear hugs