This photo may not look like much but it is everything!
My husband took this photo of my kids playing in the ocean. Yes they are in their pajamas and not the bathing suits I packed for them but I’m not even mad! My husband absolutely rocks and took all the kids down to visit my in-laws this weekend. This was the first time in 8yrs that I was home alone! For the past 30hrs, I conquered my to-do list, ran errands, worked out, watched trashy tv and slept like a starfish in my bed for 12 hours!!!! It was absolutely glorious!
Last week was filled with cleaning up vomit and diarrhea, entirely too much whining for any sane person, caring for fevers until I got one myself… I had a million things to do but everything got postponed because well, my babies were sick. By Friday, I was feeling mucho overwhelmed… until my hubs swept in to save my sanity.
Part of me was like, wait I will miss them and what will I do with myself?!
But it was wonderful and the best part… my overwhelmed self has been replaced with overwhelmingly excited to see my babe and babies in a few!
So when given the opportunity Moms to take a minute for yourself, please do it. Self care is SO very important for us to be the best Moms we can be!
Oh and I highly recommend sleeping like a starfish!
Lucy Riles, Life of Mom Founder