One year ago tomorrow, Life of Mom was born. It was slightly terrifying since I had 3 young kids already and not “worked” in any other career role since becoming a mom 7 years ago. Why terrifying? I was afraid of failing, feeling rejected and judged… Ironically, my fears were also the very reason I wanted to create Life of Mom. After feeling too much pressure as a young mom, the quick-to-judge assumptions and negative comments on social media were a bit much for this mama to take. It was important for me to provide a positive space for all moms to share MOMments that make you belly laugh or cry… to vent or ask questions without feeling rejected or judged.
Well this “baby” of mine is turning one tomorrow and I couldn’t be prouder! With 46K plus followers on Facebook and an ever growing presence on Twitter and Instagram, my “lil mama” is growing up! Every week, hitting more milestones, discovering more ways to create content and navigate through this social media stratosphere. It was also important to share many of my own Life of Mom struggles and triumphs, maybe my story could help other moms out there… because in 7 short years, I’ve been through a lot…
I have breastfed and bottlefed. I have sleep trained and co-slept. I feed my kids organic produce and visit In-and-Out burger on a weekly basis. I have had healthy pregnancies, complicated ones and losses no one should have to endure. I have watched my daughter flatline in front of me and held my stillborn son in the palm of my hand. I have a medically fragile child with special needs. I lost my mom before I became a mom. I have rock star mom moments, mediocre mom moments and major mommy fail moments. I have experienced devastating lows and incredible moments of joy… what have I learned? Motherhood is profoundly hard. One thing I have found moms need from other moms more than anything… support!!!
Earlier this week, a new mom reached out to Life of Mom privately for advice but wanted to remain anonymous because she was afraid of feeling rejected or being judged… This was my response to her: “First off CONGRATS on being a new mommy!!! There is so much pressure on moms these days! You do what works best for you and your child… there is a saying I love to quote “opinions are like assholes, everybody’s got one!” But in all seriousness, you will do great and Life of Mom is here to support you!” It feels immensely rewarding to make someone feel supported on this ride called motherhood, to make someone laugh or feel good about themselves. If Life of Mom can provide that to moms, my “work” is a success!
So Happy 1st Birthday sweet girl, I’m proud to be your mom!
by Lucy Riles, Proud Mommy to Life of Mom
I’d like to end with a quote from the Mother of all mothers…