Sometimes you just need to trade in piles of laundry, wiping butts and stepping on legos for a few days of fun in the sun☀️ .
A girlfriend invited me on a “Mom’s Away Cruise” this past weekend and I hesitantly obliged. Now I would not categorize myself as someone who likes to cruise. Nope, not one bit. I’m more of a lounge by the hotel pool or beach type. But my husband was down with me going and well…I’m not about to pass a ladies trip my husband has signed off on. Plus I thought, “It’s a perfect few quiet days away to work on my book.” So let’s cruise🛳
There were about 15 moms attending but I only knew 3 of them. Now you all know 15 moms with different personalities could totally head “south of the border” quick. (pun intended)
The happy surprise was the cruise ship was the only thing that went south of the border🇲🇽 .
(See also: Gigantic Mexican flag pictured here.) .
It was true, we all had extremely DIFFERENT personalities with unique stories to tell. Yet, we all shared the SAME reason for this trip. .
We all wanted to sleep as much as possible and eat meals that were prepared for us without doing dishes.
We all wanted to have fun, wear straw hats with cheeky sayings and be served fruity cocktails 🍹🍸🥂🍾 .
We all wanted a minute to care for ourselves…which on the surface level looks selfish but deep down, is the most unselfish thing you could do for your soul. A well rested mommy who has spent the weekend laughing and bonding with friends actually makes for better moms and wives! We all work incredibly hard to be our best selves for our family but how can that happen if mom doesn’t take time for mom?! Whether it’s a spin class or a long nap or a good book or yes, even a “mom cruise”
As we sat around a long table sharing our favorite MOMents of the trip, we all wanted the same thing… VALIDATION🙌 “You are not alone.” “I’ve felt that way too.” “My cheekbones hurt from laughing.” “Wow, that must have been so tough.” Moms have the hardest, most important jobs in the world yet rarely receive the validation they deserve. One by one, we bonded over the need to feel loved and the need to feel less isolated.
We all received VALIDATION ❤️ #lifeofmom